moo free utz and rainforest alliance chocolates

Why You Should Buy UTZ/Rainforest Alliance Certified Products

UTZ was an organisation set up to help farmers and Rainforest Alliance was set up to protect the environment. They joined forces recently which means the farmers and the environment benefit from the cocoa we buy.

These organisations formed in response to the critical challenges facing humanity: deforestation, climate change, systemic poverty and social inequity. By teaming up together UTZ and Rainforest Alliance were able to combine their respective strengths to build a future in which nature is protected and biodiversity flourishes; where farmers, workers, and communities prosper; and where sustainable land use and responsible business practices are the norm.

So by choosing UTZ and Rainforest Alliance certified products like Moo Free's Chocolate you are helping to support famers the environment and the planet. How super is that?

Moo Free Ethical Chocolates

More Information

If you want to learn more then check out the UTZ and Rainforest Alliance websites using the links below.